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Drugs manufactured by PSS WORLD MEDICAL, INC.

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Alcohol Prep Pad - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Alcohol Prep Pad - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Antifungal - (Miconazole Nitrate) - 20 mg/g
Antimicrobial Antiseptic Hand Wash - (CHLOROXYLENOL) - .005 mL/mL
Antiseptic Hand Gel with Aloe - (ALCOHOL) - 620 mg/g
Benzalkonium Chloride Towelette - (BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE) - .13 g/100g
Isopropyl Alcohol Swabsticks - (Isopropyl Alcohol) - 70 mL/100mL
Obstetrical Antiseptic Towelette - (BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE) - .13 g/100g
Povidone Iodine - (Povidone-Iodine) - 100 mg/mL
Regimen - (Ethyl Alcohol) - 62 mL/100mL
REPARA - (Zinc Oxide) - 25 g/1
REPARA - (Zinc Oxide, Calamine) - .0195; 1.2805; 25 g/1; g/1; g/1
Repara Silver Nitrate - (Silver Nitrate) - 25; 75 mg/1; mg/1
Repara Triple Antibiotic - (BACITRACIN, NEOMYCIN and POLYMYXIN B) - 400; 3.5; 5000 [iU]/g; mg/g; [iU]/g
Select Medical Products Antifungal - (MICONAZOLE NITRATE) - 20 mg/g
Select Medical Products Triple Antibiotic - (BACITRACIN, NEOMYCIN and POLYMYXIN B) - 400; 3.5; 5000 [iU]/g; mg/g; [iU]/g