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ICD 9 PCS Block on Ophthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment (35 entries)

Navigation: ICD-9-PCS > Miscellaneous diagnostic and therapeutic procedures > Ophthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment
ICD-9-CM V.3 (PCS) Code Description, click to browse
95.01Limited eye examination
95.02Comprehensive eye examination
95.03Extended ophthalmologic work-up
95.04Eye examination under anesthesia
95.05Visual field study
95.06Color vision study
95.07Dark adaptation study
95.09Eye examination, not otherwise specified
95.11Fundus photography
95.12Fluorescein angiography or angioscopy of eye
95.13Ultrasound study of eye
95.14X-ray study of eye
95.15Ocular motility study
95.16P32 and other tracer studies of eye
95.21Electroretinogram [ERG]
95.22Electro-oculogram [EOG]
95.23Visual evoked potential [VEP]
95.24Electronystagmogram [ENG]
95.25Electromyogram of eye [EMG]
95.26Tonography, provocative tests, and other glaucoma testing
95.31Fitting and dispensing of spectacles
95.32Prescription, fitting, and dispensing of contact lens
95.33Dispensing of other low vision aids
95.34Ocular prosthetics
95.35Orthoptic training
95.36Ophthalmologic counseling and instruction
95.42Clinical test of hearing
95.43Audiological evaluation
95.44Clinical vestibular function tests
95.45Rotation tests
95.46Other auditory and vestibular function tests
95.47Hearing examination, not otherwise specified
95.48Fitting of hearing aid
95.49Other nonoperative procedures related to hearing