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ICD 9 PCS Block on Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa, except hand (52 entries)

Navigation: ICD-9-PCS > Operations on the musculoskeletal system > Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa, except hand
ICD-9-CM V.3 (PCS) Code Description, click to browse
83.01Exploration of tendon sheath
83.09Other incision of soft tissue
83.12Adductor tenotomy of hip
83.13Other tenotomy
83.19Other division of soft tissue
83.21Open biopsy of soft tissue
83.29Other diagnostic procedures on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa, including that of hand
83.31Excision of lesion of tendon sheath
83.32Excision of lesion of muscle
83.39Excision of lesion of other soft tissue
83.41Excision of tendon for graft
83.42Other tenonectomy
83.43Excision of muscle or fascia for graft
83.44Other fasciectomy
83.45Other myectomy
83.49Other excision of soft tissue
83.61Suture of tendon sheath
83.62Delayed suture of tendon
83.63Rotator cuff repair
83.64Other suture of tendon
83.65Other suture of muscle or fascia
83.71Advancement of tendon
83.72Recession of tendon
83.73Reattachment of tendon
83.74Reattachment of muscle
83.75Tendon transfer or transplantation
83.76Other tendon transposition
83.77Muscle transfer or transplantation
83.79Other muscle transposition
83.81Tendon graft
83.82Graft of muscle or fascia
83.83Tendon pulley reconstruction other than hand
83.84Release of clubfoot, not elsewhere classified
83.85Other change in muscle or tendon length
83.87Other plastic operations on muscle
83.88Other plastic operations on tendon
83.89Other plastic operations on fascia
83.91Lysis of adhesions of muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa
83.92Insertion or replacement of skeletal muscle stimulator
83.93Removal of skeletal muscle stimulator
83.94Aspiration of bursa
83.95Aspiration of other soft tissue
83.96Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa
83.97Injection of therapeutic substance into tendon
83.98Injection of locally acting therapeutic substance into other soft tissue
83.99Other operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa