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ICD 10 Diagnosis Codes related to Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx (15 entries)

Chapter: Neoplasms (C00-D49)
Click on a code to view children (more specific) codes
C00 - Malignant neoplasm of lip
C01 - Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue
C02 - Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue
C03 - Malignant neoplasm of gum
C04 - Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth
C05 - Malignant neoplasm of palate
C06 - Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth
C07 - Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
C08 - Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands
C09 - Malignant neoplasm of tonsil
C10 - Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx
C11 - Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
C12 - Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus
C13 - Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
C14 - Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx