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743.45 - Aniridia

The ICD 9 Code for Aniridia is listed as 743.45.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 10 crosswalks / GEMS, and chapter information where available.
ICD 9 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: 743.45
Long Description: Aniridia
Short Description: Aniridia
Chapter: Congenital Anomalies
Block: Congenital anomalies of eye (743-743)
ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes General Equivalence Mappings (GEMS):
ICD-10-CM Code: Q13.1 - Absence of iris
ICD-9-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of 743.45:
743.41 - Congenital anomalies of corneal size and shape
743.42 - Corneal opacities, interfering with vision, congenital
743.43 - Other corneal opacities, congenital
743.44 - Specified congenital anomalies of anterior chamber, chamber angle, and related structures
743.46 - Other specified congenital anomalies of iris and ciliary body
743.47 - Specified congenital anomalies of sclera
743.48 - Multiple and combined congenital anomalies of anterior segment
743.49 - Other congenital anomalies of anterior segment