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M92.5 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula

The ICD 10 Code for Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula is listed as M92.5.
Additional information concerning this code and description can be found below including ICD 9 crosswalks / GEMS, chapter information, and DRGs where available.

ICD 10 CM Field Value
Diagnosis Code: M92.5
Description: Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula
  • Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of proximal tibia [Blount]
  • Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of tibial tubercle [Osgood-Schlatter]
  • Tibia vara
Chapter Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)
Block Chondropathies (M91-M94)
Parent M92 - Other juvenile osteochondrosis
ICD-10-CM Children (deeper level / typically more specific) of M92.5:
M92.50 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula, unspecified leg
M92.51 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula, right leg
M92.52 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula, left leg
ICD-10-CM Siblings (same level / similar specificity) of M92.5:
M92.0 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of humerus
M92.1 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of radius and ulna
M92.2 - Juvenile osteochondrosis, hand
M92.3 - Other juvenile osteochondrosis, upper limb
M92.4 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of patella
M92.6 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of tarsus
M92.7 - Juvenile osteochondrosis of metatarsus
M92.8 - Other specified juvenile osteochondrosis
M92.9 - Juvenile osteochondrosis, unspecified